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Charge the Storm like The Buffalo

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Are you a Buffalo, or a Cow?

Sometimes we have to go to nature to get the best advice. In your life, when a storm hits you, do you handle it like a cow or like a buffalo? 

When a herd of cows sees a storm coming, they turn to each other, discuss it for a minute, and then they turn and run. They bolt away from that storm as fast as they possibly can.

There is a problem with this method of handling a storm. Do cows run very fast? No, they don’t. What happens is they get caught in the storm and end up running with it, exhausted, in pain, and prolonging the time it takes for the storm to pass by trying to outrun it when it is, in fact, too late.

How many of us human beings put off challenges in our life that we don’t want to do? Most people deal with their storms in life by being an ostrich with their head in the sand, or a cow running away from their problems as fast as they can.

You should deal with your life’s storms like a buffalo. When a herd of buffalo sees a storm coming, they discuss it for a minute, and then they CHARGE. It’s the same storm that the cows see, the difference is, the animal’s reaction to it. By running directly into the storm, the buffalos minimize the storm’s impact and break through into the sun on the other side.

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